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"La dirección musical recayó en la experimentada batuta del maestro Martin Mázik, una grata sorpresa para el que escribe estas líneas, ya que habíamos coincidido en varias ocasiones hace ya algunos años, cuando empezaba a dirigir en la Ópera de Bratislava. Fiel en todo momento a la partitura de Puccini, dirigió con mucha intensidad a la Orquesta de la Compañía Lírica 2001, con un tempo acertado y dinámico, donde brilló especialmente la sección de vientos y las percusiones."


"The musical direction fell to the experienced baton of maestro Martin Mázik, a pleasant surprise for the writer of these lines, since we had met on several occasions a few years ago, when he began to conduct at the Bratislava Opera. Faithful at all times to Puccini's score, he directed the 2001 Lyric Company Orchestra with great intensity, with a successful and dynamic tempo, where the wind section and percussion shone especially."


"À la tête de l’Orchestre Opera 2001, tout droit arrivé d’Espagne, le Slovaque Martin Mazik sait fait parler à ses musiciens une même langue : celle d’une expressivité à toute épreuve, avec des couleurs variées et des balances de nuances décrivant aussi bien la mort que l’amour et la rêverie. La tension jamais ne retombe et, entre fosse et scène, subsiste constamment une osmose à laquelle le Coro Lirico Siciliano prend aussi une part active, contribuant au succès d’un spectacle fort applaudi."


"At the head of the Opera Orchestra 2001, straight from Spain, the Slovak Martin Mazik knows how to make his musicians speak the same language: that of unfailing expressiveness, with varied colors and balances of nuances describing death as well as love and reverie.The tension never subsides and, between pit and stage, there is a constant osmosis in which the Coro Lirico Siciliano also takes an active part, contributing to the success of a highly acclaimed show ."

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La Rioja Review, La Boheme 2022

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Nabucco Review 2022

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Carmen Reviews 2022

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Madama Butterfly Reviews 2022

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© 2017 by Martin Mazik.

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